Proverbs 20:7 says, “The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.”
For the next 21 days, the God’s Man family will walk through a journey together. The purpose of this journey is to equip men of God to live in such a way that the generation that follows is touched for the glory of God. It should be the purpose of every believer to not only touch the people that live in their lifetime, but to also influence those who will follow in the next generation. The family is the foundation of our society and Satan is out to destroy this foundation. We have often allowed Satan to enter our homes like a thief, and have not even noticed his presence. He has not just come once and disappeared, but continues to sneak in undercover daily, using the influence of games, toys, books, TV, videos, movies, music, computers, the Internet, friends, work, ETC. You must think of it this way, “Satan is after my children like he has never been after anybody's children in the history of this world.” Satan has pointed every gun in his arsenal at the soul and body and life of my children. We are realistically in danger of not passing on biblical Christianity to the next generation. Both an over-exposure to worldly philosophy and an over-dependence on church programs have caused us to fail in our task to hand off a vibrant, kingdom-focused faith. This truth must explode in our hearts so that God can use us for years to come. In order to do what it take to touch others, you must see the danger of what happens if we don’t get this. Josh McDowell wrote in his book, The Last Christian Generation, explaining his title: “I realize the title of this book may be shocking. But the decision to call thisThe Last Christian Generation was not made lightly nor was it done for sensationalism. I sincerely believe unless something is done now to change the spiritual state of our young people—you will become the last Christian generation!” We must get serious about what is happening in our culture today for this reason, the decay of the current culture will have greater affect on our kids and grandkids than it does on us. For the sake of them, stand firm and get serious about living for God with passion today. The NEXT GENERATION journey should be the beginning of a paradigm shift. It is vital for you to understand this principle. The way you live today effects the way people will live in the other generations. God is looking to use people that have the next generation in focus. We must get away from being so narrow minded that we only try to impact the lives of those who live during our lifetime. Live today so that your children can be blessed by God tomorrow. GOD’S MAN CHALLENGE “Live TODAY to influence the generation of TOMORROW.” GOD’S MAN PRAYER God, give me the desire and passion to touch the next generation for your GLORY. Amen