During Day 9, you can pray for your pastor. There are not many people today who endure more emotionally, spiritually, socially, and physically than pastors do. You can pray that God will protect your pastor from the attacks of the enemies. You can pray for your pastor to continually be under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God has given the church pastors to edify the body.
God's Man Day 9 Prayer:
Lord, thank You for giving me my pastor. Please guard and protect him from the attacks fo the enemy. Please help to stay encouraged in the great role that You have given him. Please help me to be a church member that is an asset to my pastor and not a detriment. AMEN.
God's Man Day 9 Prayer:
Lord, thank You for giving me my pastor. Please guard and protect him from the attacks fo the enemy. Please help to stay encouraged in the great role that You have given him. Please help me to be a church member that is an asset to my pastor and not a detriment. AMEN.